
Do You Experience

Feelings of Anxiety

Anxiety is a constant irresolvable worry about an event which has not occurred. The event may not even be known or objectively real. It could simply be a feeling that a safe environment is not possible, often in spite of indications to the contrary.

The anxious feeling might make it difficult to concentrate or make one irritable. It can manifest in physical sensations often associated with “Fight or Flight” such as elevated heart rate and the jitters.

An inability to rest may be associated with anxiety. If you can’t get adequate sleep anxiety may be a causal factor. Ask yourself “What am I doing when I am supposed to be sleeping?” If the answer is worrying or thinking about problems that don’t need to be solved at that moment, it might be anxiety.

We can help be rid of those feelings of anxiety.


Change your environment by taking a walk until you feel calmer. Open spaces and fresh air can help. Get your attention on physical objects in the environment instead of internal dialogs within your mind. Doing physical tasks can help get your attention outward.

Feeling Depressed

Depression can be described as prolonged feelings of sadness, loss, hopelessness or anger that interfere with a person’s life. People occasionally have sad or upsetting events which happen to them. If one can’t bounce back from the depressed feeling there may be other emotional trauma that is compounding with the latest event.

It’s important to realize that feeling down at times is a normal part of life. Sad and upsetting events happen to everyone. But if you’re feeling down or hopeless on a regular basis, you could be dealing with depression.

If you've been down too long, we can help.


Avoid solitary activities. Seek out and engage in uplifting activities. Exercise and give your body a nutritious diet. Put order into your personal spaces. Try to wrap up any unfinished tasks.

Anxiety - Life Reclamation service


Change your environment by taking a walk until you feel calmer. Open spaces and fresh air can help. Get your attention on physical objects in the environment instead of internal dialogs within your mind. Doing physical tasks can help get your attention outward.

Feelings of Anxiety

Anxiety is a constant irresolvable worry about an event which has not occurred. The event may not even be known or objectively real. It could simply be a feeling that a safe environment is not possible, often in spite of indications to the contrary.

The anxious feeling might make it difficult to concentrate or make one irritable. It can manifest in physical sensations often associated with “Fight or Flight” such as elevated heart rate and the jitters.

An inability to rest may be associated with anxiety. If you can’t get adequate sleep anxiety may be a causal factor. Ask yourself “What am I doing when I am supposed to be sleeping?” If the answer is worrying or thinking about problems that don’t need to be solved at that moment, it might be anxiety.

We can help be rid of those feelings of anxiety.

Depressed - Life Reclamation service


Avoid solitary activities. Seek out and engage in uplifting activities. Exercise and give your body a nutritious diet. Put order into your personal spaces. Try to wrap up any unfinished tasks.

Feeling Depressed

Depression can be described as prolonged feelings of sadness, loss, hopelessness or anger that interfere with a person’s life. People occasionally have sad or upsetting events which happen to them. If one can’t bounce back from the depressed feeling there may be other emotional trauma that is compounding with the latest event.

It’s important to realize that feeling down at times is a normal part of life. Sad and upsetting events happen to everyone. But if you’re feeling down or hopeless on a regular basis, you could be dealing with depression.

If you've been down too long, we can help.

Unwanted Fears and Emotions

Most people would like to be more: outgoing, happy, carefree, self-assured, confident, comfortable in social settings, etcetera. These are good goals to pursue and occasionally we achieve some or all of them, for a while. Life then proceeds to interject a challenge and we must start over toward our goals. Unwanted fears and unpleasant emotions make attaining those goals seem more and more challenging or even unattainable. In fact, fear of failing or negative self-talk may even dissuade one from trying at all. All persons possess the ability to elevate their “normal” position on the scale of emotions and move toward achieving their goals.

We can help you discover and offload the deadweight holding you down.


Find and affirm every positive self-attribute and achievement at any opportunity. Seek always to volitionally choose “glass half full” attitudes and avoid invalidation of self or others. “Fake it ‘till you make it” if you are not feeling positive.

Losses in Life

The loss of a loved one, the end of a romantic relationship, the opportunity of a lifetime that slipped away all can seem to leave a hole in our being that makes life seem empty and without joy. It can seem like our world has come to an end. While it is healthy to grieve and to regret opportunities lost, life goes on, and so must we. It is possible to experience our loss fully and appropriately, and then move on.

It is not necessary to re-live that loss over and over. We can help you with both.


Be mindful of what and who you do have in your life. Be grateful for even the smallest thing which gives you pleasure.

Unwanted Fears and Emotions

Most people would like to be more: outgoing, happy, carefree, self-assured, confident, comfortable in social settings, etcetera. These are good goals to pursue and occasionally we achieve some or all of them, for a while. Life then proceeds to interject a challenge and we must start over toward our goals. Unwanted fears and unpleasant emotions make attaining those goals seem more and more challenging or even unattainable. In fact, fear of failing or negative self-talk may even dissuade one from trying at all. All persons possess the ability to elevate their “normal” position on the scale of emotions and move toward achieving their goals.

We can help you discover and offload the deadweight holding you down.

Unwanted fears and emotions  - Life Reclamation service


Find and affirm every positive self-attribute and achievement at any opportunity. Seek always to volitionally choose “glass half full” attitudes and avoid invalidation of self or others. “Fake it ‘till you make it” if you are not feeling positive.

Losses in Life

The loss of a loved one, the end of a romantic relationship, the opportunity of a lifetime that slipped away all can seem to leave a hole in our being that makes life seem empty and without joy. It can seem like our world has come to an end. While it is healthy to grieve and to regret opportunities lost, life goes on, and so must we. It is possible to experience our loss fully and appropriately, and then move on.

It is not necessary to re-live that loss over and over. We can help you with both.

Losses in life  - Life Reclamation service


Be mindful of what and who you do have in your life. Be grateful for even the smallest thing which gives you pleasure.


Trauma, physical, emotional, or spiritual, simply stated, is an unwanted experience which the person attempts to keep from happening and fails. The intention to stop the receipt of impact, again physical, emotional, or spiritual, is locked up subconsciously and follows us, suspended in present time just out of the reach of one’s awareness. Given sufficient time and no more traumas one can usually get back to normal through the “natural healing process”.

If however, multiple severe traumas are experienced and / or more stress than the person can tolerate is piled on top of that, one could experience: recurring unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event, flashbacks, upsetting dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event, severe emotional distress or physical reactions to something that reminds you of the traumatic event, avoidance behaviors, anger, depression, etcetera.

Those triggers and feelings don't have to be permanent. We can help.


Try to avoid the triggers of which you are conscious. Avoid alcohol or drugs that lower your awareness.

Lingering Effects of Trauma

Are you living the same day over and over? Did something unpleasant occur in your past from which you can’t seem to disconnect? Our past experiences are feedback from the universe. If we can glean the lessons from those past events and move forward, our today and tomorrows can be more rewarding. If on the other hand our attention is fixed on past unpleasant events we tend to be stuck there, in the past. We can help you unstick from the known past events and likely some events that are hidden. Those obscured past events are usually the real reason we get stuck in unsuccessful patterns.

If you are ready to disconnect from past traumas and move into the present moment, we can help.


Focus on pleasant aspects of the now and on creating positive events in the future. To-Do lists are a great way to set yourself up for wins. Imagine good things in your future and then make them happen. Remember to validate yourself for each and every win.

PTSD  - Life Reclamation service


Try to avoid the triggers of which you are conscious. Avoid alcohol or drugs that lower your awareness.


Trauma, physical, emotional, or spiritual, simply stated, is an unwanted experience which the person attempts to keep from happening and fails. The intention to stop the receipt of impact, again physical, emotional, or spiritual, is locked up subconsciously and follows us, suspended in present time just out of the reach of one’s awareness. Given sufficient time and no more traumas one can usually get back to normal through the “natural healing process”.

If however, multiple severe traumas are experienced and / or more stress than the person can tolerate is piled on top of that, one could experience: recurring unwanted distressing memories of the traumatic event, flashbacks, upsetting dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event, severe emotional distress or physical reactions to something that reminds you of the traumatic event, avoidance behaviors, anger, depression, etcetera.

Those triggers and feelings don't have to be permanent. We can help.

Lingering Effects of Trauma  - Life Reclamation service


Focus on pleasant aspects of the now and on creating positive events in the future. To-Do lists are a great way to set yourself up for wins. Imagine good things in your future and then make them happen. Remember to validate yourself for each and every win.

Lingering Effects of Trauma

Are you living the same day over and over? Did something unpleasant occur in your past from which you can’t seem to disconnect? Our past experiences are feedback from the universe. If we can glean the lessons from those past events and move forward, our today and tomorrows can be more rewarding. If on the other hand our attention is fixed on past unpleasant events we tend to be stuck there, in the past. We can help you unstick from the known past events and likely some events that are hidden. Those obscured past events are usually the real reason we get stuck in unsuccessful patterns.

If you are ready to disconnect from past traumas and move into the present moment, we can help.

Addictive Habits/Behaviors

An addiction is a compulsive, habitual, unwanted behavior pattern over which a person has little or no control. An addictive substance or behavior is an ineffective solution to a problem. Addictions compulsive nature tends to override “self-control”. In addition to the common addictions, people can also become addicted to behaviors such as video games, social media, pain, sex, compulsive eating, etcetera. The substance or behavior was meant to fill a void or make something better, but instead it created additional problems without resolving the original issue. Often, a trauma can precipitate an addiction which then can lead to further compounded trauma.

If you are dealing with a substance or behavior issue that is detracting from your life experience, we can help. Learn more about this from this video.


Avoid people and places which are associated with the problem and the ineffective solution.

Troubled Relationships

Relationships could be said to be the second most important aspect of our existence. The first is of course how we experience our self. But beyond that, in living life everything else involves another person, place or thing. Everyone resonates better with some people than others. Some people might not be a preferred choice for sharing a social event but are otherwise fine people. When we can’t bear sharing space or interacting with another person, there’s something out of whack. It could be a recent upset or a misunderstanding or perhaps the person in question may remind us of a past troubled relationship. It could be a perceived inequality in the exchange between the two people that is the source of friction. Regardless, there are reasons when a relationship is troubled. When those reasons are located and viewed objectively, the possibility of improving the relationship is assured.

If you are ready to debug a difficult relationship, we can help.


Find something, anything about the other person that you can admire. Look for and acknowledge any and all points on which the two of you can agree before moving into contentious territory.

Addictive Habits/Behaviors

An addiction is a compulsive, habitual, unwanted behavior pattern over which a person has little or no control. An addictive substance or behavior is an ineffective solution to a problem. Addictions compulsive nature tends to override “self-control”. In addition to the common addictions, people can also become addicted to behaviors such as video games, social media, pain, sex, compulsive eating, etcetera. The substance or behavior was meant to fill a void or make something better, but instead it created additional problems without resolving the original issue. Often, a trauma can precipitate an addiction which then can lead to further compounded trauma.

If you are dealing with a substance or behavior issue that is detracting from your life experience, we can help. Learn more about this from this video.

Additive habits or behaviors  - Life Reclamation service


Avoid people and places which are associated with the problem and the ineffective solution.

Troubled Relationships

Relationships could be said to be the second most important aspect of our existence. The first is of course how we experience our self. But beyond that, in living life everything else involves another person, place or thing. Everyone resonates better with some people than others. Some people might not be a preferred choice for sharing a social event but are otherwise fine people. When we can’t bear sharing space or interacting with another person, there’s something out of whack. It could be a recent upset or a misunderstanding or perhaps the person in question may remind us of a past troubled relationship. It could be a perceived inequality in the exchange between the two people that is the source of friction. Regardless, there are reasons when a relationship is troubled. When those reasons are located and viewed objectively, the possibility of improving the relationship is assured.

If you are ready to debug a difficult relationship, we can help.

Troubled relationships  - Life Reclamation service


Find something, anything about the other person that you can admire. Look for and acknowledge any and all points on which the two of you can agree before moving into contentious territory.


Everyone has strengths and talents. Locate and validate yours. Find every opportunity to utilize them and acknowledge your self and your body for every accomplishment.

Unsatisfactory Self/Body Image

Our relationship with others is the second most important aspect of our existence. The first is of course how we experience our self. How we feel about our self is the basis of how we interact with the people and things around us. If we don’t love our self or our body, how can we expect anyone else to love us?

When you or your body is invalidated, by self or another person, you might accept and take the criticism to heart. This has the effect of dis-spiriting or lowering you on the scale of emotions. With enough negative input, it’s easier and easier to quit trying and give up. Once we have been conditioned to accept negative labels it doesn’t always occur to us to reverse course.

But are those labels accurate? Do you want to accept them, or reject them? Nothing stays the same for long, it either gets better or it gets worse.

We can help you get things moving in the direction you want and assist you in building the resilience to keep going.


Focus on the benefits you get from your job.

Difficulties in the Workplace

Do you feel comfortable in your work environment? How is your relationship with your boss and co-workers? Do you feel that your contributions are valued appropriately? Do you get the recognition you deserve? In a perfect work-world we would spring out of bed in the morning looking forward to our work day. If your work-world isn’t perfect, it can likely be better. We can help.

Unsatisfactory self or body image  - Life Reclamation service


Everyone has strengths and talents. Locate and validate yours. Find every opportunity to utilize them and acknowledge your self and your body for every accomplishment.

Unsatisfactory Self/Body Image

Our relationship with others is the second most important aspect of our existence. The first is of course how we experience our self. How we feel about our self is the basis of how we interact with the people and things around us. If we don’t love our self or our body, how can we expect anyone else to love us?

When you or your body is invalidated, by self or another person, you might accept and take the criticism to heart. This has the effect of dis-spiriting or lowering you on the scale of emotions. With enough negative input, it’s easier and easier to quit trying and give up. Once we have been conditioned to accept negative labels it doesn’t always occur to us to reverse course.

But are those labels accurate? Do you want to accept them, or reject them? Nothing stays the same for long, it either gets better or it gets worse.

We can help you get things moving in the direction you want and assist you in building the resilience to keep going.

Difficulties in the workplace  - Life Reclamation service


Focus on the benefits you get from your job.

Difficulties in the Workplace

Do you feel comfortable in your work environment? How is your relationship with your boss and co-workers? Do you feel that your contributions are valued appropriately? Do you get the recognition you deserve? In a perfect work-world we would spring out of bed in the morning looking forward to our work day. If your work-world isn’t perfect, it can likely be better. We can help.

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*Your initial consultation is FREE*


Ability Enhancement Curriculum

Applied Metapsychology is the whole subject that encompasses Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR), Life Stress Reduction (LSR), and the Ability Enhancement Viewing Curriculum (AE).

TIR and LSR are remedial in that they remedy unwanted conditions. Ability Enhancement techniques are used to facilitate the viewer’s personal growth and development of potential.

The subjects of the Curriculum could be likened to the work done building a house. Once the foundation is correctly established by a TIR/LSR program the framing can occur. As each subsequent section is added, the building becomes more functional and aesthetic.

The length of time required to address any section below is based on a client’s individual needs.


(quotations marked by an asterisk * are excerpted from “Beyond Psychology - An introduction to Metapsychology” 4th Edition by Frank A. Gerbode M.D. and are used by permission)

The Help Section

“Before the viewer is ready to embark on major actions that can provide permanent case change, it is crucial for him/her to handle any charge on the issues of help and control that may be affecting him/her in the here and now.”*

Some feel that they don’t need any help, they can do everything alone; while others seem to be hardwired to only help others and neglect themselves. Whatever the case, we all need help from time to time and in order to feel worthy of that help, we should be willing when needed to help others, or for that matter accept help from others. When the charge on this subject is addressed, a person is ready to dig in and truly help themself.

The Memory Enhancement Section

“The purpose of Memory Enhancement is to help viewers recover the ability to contact the past easily.”*

Simply put, difficulties living in the now can most often be traced to charged difficulties from the past. The ability to recall times from the past is the next ability necessary to reclaim.

The Communication Section

“Memory Enhancement deals with non-traumatic incidents. The next four sections handle relatively light areas of charge—disturbances, not heavy traumas. They go one layer deeper into the Net. Once a viewer has established contact (in the Help Section) with her present, and (in Memory Enhancement) with her past, the next thing for her to do is to work on improving her contact with other people by addressing charge on the subject of communication.”*

The Net refers to the Traumatic Network which is described in the General TIR section below.


The Resolution Section

“A person can begin to resolve problems when—and only when—s/he can communicate. Even if the viewer knows what the solution to a problem is, s/he generally cannot implement that solution without communicating with others. Most problems are best resolved by effective and thorough communication. Hence we address communication issues before addressing problems. It is important to deal with problems, because being fixed in a problem greatly inhibits future gain.”*

The Reconciliation Section

“When a person cannot forgive and achieve a reconciliation with self or others after certain misdeeds have occurred, the result is guilt and hostility.”*

Those feelings usually cause a person to withdraw from the harmed or harming party, making their personal world smaller. When the charge is addressed, one can expand back into life.

The Resilience Section

“People who are unable to communicate, to resolve problems, and thus to avoid committing misdeeds are more or less continually upset in life.”*

This section removes the burden of bearing those past upsets.

The General TIR Section

Once the above abilities have been reclaimed, it’s time to address the charged incidents that the lack of those abilities helped create. This section will address the subconscious storage unit known as the Traumatic Network or the Net. The Net could be described as a protective mechanism whereby incidents too uncomfortable to confront are hidden. It is not a perfect mechanism however as when hidden incidents are triggered, they tend to leak out and reappear in the now.

“The first step of moving closer to the core is to handle some of the root incidents on which the disturbances are based, i.e., to handle deep-seated traumatic incidents. We have seen that TIR can be used as a remedial action to handle charge contained in recent or already activated incidents. This is called Remedial TIR and forms part of Life Stress Reduction. But after completing Remedial TIR, there may still remain traumatic incidents and sequences that are not currently activated but that nevertheless tie up intention units and could be activated at any time. When located and handled with General TIR, these are discharged and are no longer there to be activated in the future.”*

The Rightness Section

“Up to this point, the viewer has been mainly dealing with “force”—uncomfortable feelings and disturbances that have been triggered. Having handled a great deal of force at this point, s/he is better able to tackle significance without becoming embroiled in force. So s/he is ready to straighten out his/her belief system, i.e., concepts and facts.

The viewer, like anyone else, is of the opinion that what s/he believes is right. Otherwise, s/he wouldn’t believe it. But s/he can be righter. Wrongnesses can be caused by misconceptions, false information, or fixed ideas. This section addresses all three.”*

Most people are aware of confirmation bias, the phenomena of viewing the world through our personal set of known data and biases. What if those filters could be more finely tuned and thereby have better interactions with the people, places, and things in our lives?


Advanced Techniques

Although the seven sections that make up the Curriculum produce major noticeable gains in the quality of life, they could be regarded as just a setup for the real work of handling issues at the core of the Net—core identities, and goals.


After the viewer has addressed various categories of disturbances, discharged a number of traumatic incidents, and handled some fixed ideas, s/he is ready to proceed to handle a deeper layer of the Net—the layer, quite close to self, that has to do with identity and purposes. One approach is to use a technique called “Unstacking” to deal with elements called “stacks” that seem to lie at the very core of the Net (Nichols and Gerbode, 2010). These are sets of deep-seated but conflicting purposes and identities. Unstacking identifies the basic identities and purposes in which a person is fixed and enables him/her to move out of them, as well as discharging the opposing identities and purposes. When all such fixed identities and purposes are discharged, one is free to simply be oneself and to pursue one’s true purposes.

Individuation Technique

As I have mentioned before, in becoming more aware, many viewers experience what they regard as attached beings or sub-personalities in and surrounding them and their body, with which they may have confused themselves. This technique is intended to help the viewer individuate self from these other identities that are not self.


There is a hierarchy of identities that a person uses to achieve their various goals in life. Some sub-identities that were originally created for some purpose by may become split off or “disowned” by the viewer and may appear to be operating somewhat independently. The approach to these sub-identities is opposite to that used in the Individuation Technique: it is directed toward re-integrating these sub-personalities into the main one. Both this technique and the previous one help to clarify the issue of identity, the Individuation Technique by helping the viewer recognize what is not self, the handling of sub-personalities by recognizing what is self.

Everything that has been done up to this point could be regarded as a preparation for this higher work.

(the section above was excerpted from “Beyond Psychology - An introduction to Metapsychology” 4th Edition by Frank A. Gerbode M.D. and are used by permission)

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